Guess what?

I like cock!

Now I know that there is nothing shocking or newsworthy about that announcement but sometimes it feels as though it is a controversial thing to say. It is very acceptable to like cock but there seems to be a whole lot of messages out there that say that cocks are not visually attractive. I disagree.

Maybe I missed out on the whole social conditioning that spreads that message. Maybe I didn’t get the memo that cocks should be laughed at because by the time anyone expressed that thought to me, I was already appreciating cocks and their possibilities. Maybe for me, the fact that I missed out on porn until I was no youngster meant that I saw the cocks of people I was involved with, in situations where I most definitely wanted to see them instead of the random disembodied cocks of strangers. Whatever the reasons are, I find cocks attractive. That isn’t to say that there aren’t pictures out there that fail to do them justice, but I am saying that cocks are beautiful.

I have been thinking a lot about this subject recently and not quite in the way you are imagining. I am a mother and I try to address issues that might have an impact on my children. I have had conversations with other parents about the need for body positivity, body acceptance and how to deal with body shaming. Everyone has agreed that it is an important issue and something that we must be very aware of for our children. Except that, apart from one friend, what they have been talking about is daughters, not sons.

I am not in any way denying that there are a lot of pressures and negative messages out there that are targeted at girls but that is not my focus in this post. In this post, I am particularly thinking about my son. I am very proud of him and the considerate person that he is. I am also aware of the negative messages that he gets about what it is to be a man etc. It has hit me more and more recently how much cock shaming there is online. I don’t want any of my children to feel that a part of their body is shameful. I don’t want him to worry that a part of his body is a joke or something that will trigger the response ‘Ewwww’ when seen.

It made me really sad earlier this week when a drawing of different shaped cocks was being shared and commented on with very negative reactions. I wouldn’t find that behaviour acceptable if it was pictures of breasts or vulvas, so to me, the same rules apply in this case.

I am sure that some people will point out that a lot of negative comments are provoked by the prevalence of unsolicited cock shots. You know what, the people who choose to share those are not going to stop because someone is rude or mocks them. Behaviour like that will only be changed by people learning that consent is necessary in all interactions including messages. Going back to my role as a parent, it is most effective to name the behaviour and talk about how that behaviour needs to change than just insulting the person and mocking them.

What I would like is for people to be fair all round. Let’s focus on consensual sharing and positivity instead of body shaming anyone. I want to be able to see as many beautiful images of men as I do women. I want to appreciate the wonder that is their bodies and that includes being able to see cocks. I want the nurturing accepting side of our community to make it a safe place for all genders.

Going back to the beginning of this post – I like cocks. In light of that, here are some doodles that show my appreciation of cocks.


2 Replies to “Cock-a-doodle-DO!”

  1. I always say I prefer to look at naked women more than naked men, but that doesn’t mean I think cocks are ugly. Every body is beautiful and no one needs to be shamed for any part of their bodies.

    I love your cock-a-doodles!

    Rebel xox

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