I need to lose weight and get fitter and healthier. Anyone who knows me will find no surprise there. They will also know that I have struggled to budge those numbers on the scales.
The numbers on the scales aren’t shifting but there are other things happening.

  1. Firstly, I have found that walking is really beneficial to my emotional health. It gives me that time to indulge in a bit of mindfulness and takes some stress away.
  2. Another benefit is the amount of time I have spent in the open air. I have very low vitamin D levels as my body doesn’t process it well. Walking has allowed me to support my levels and avoid the side effects of low levels much better.
  3. Next is stamina. I have much more physical and emotional stamina. I can walk for longer and I am more confident in my ability.
  4. Linked to the stamina, is the improvement in my asthma. My meds and exercise have all combined to work at the mo and I am slowly beginning to trust my body to work. I cannot describe what a novelty that is.I still can’t go out without taking an inhaler with me but I have walked and walked without using it. This has never happened before. My asthma combined with joint pain always made me the let-down in any group. I was always the person who had to check how far, work out where to rest, worry about annoying the other people etc. When I have pushed myself in the past, it has not always gone well. It’s been hard to pick myself up again after failure. I really want to build on this current success.

Of course, all of that is wonderful for me, but doesn’t really help in a picture post for Sinful Sunday. So here you go. Here is proof of another benefit of taking it all one step at a time. I hope you like what you see as much as I do.

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Sinful Sunday

24 Replies to “One step at a time”

  1. Oh honey, you have amazing beautiful, powerful-looking, sculptural legs. Your hard work is very evident. Well done

    1. I understand the struggle. My Lady and I are trying various combinations of diet and exercise. Some are better for weight loss the others maintenance and strength. After a month of moving and stress of house sale with too much indulgence in stress eating we are recommitting.

      The struggle is real and the payoff takes time. But a better healthier life will be worth it. Thanks for posting.

  2. Small steps are often the way to do it

    I love walking myself and do it a form of excercise. I can’t do too much jumping up and down

  3. Your legs are gorgeous. I especially love admiring them from up close! You should be very proud of yourself for all your hard work. I am proud of you 🙂

    Rebel xox

  4. Said it before, will happily say it again, you have absolutely awesome legs.

    As for walking, it is my favourite form of exercise because it also gives me time to think.


  5. Such marvellous muscles! My own experience of losing weight is that consistent choices make results happen, and that once your metabolism resets itself in response to the demands you are making on it by insisting that it fuels your walks then things speed up. I do hope that is the case for you but in the meantime I am celebrating the mindfulness and other wins with you.

  6. Slow and steady is the way to go…or so I have found. 🙂
    You will probably find that the numbers are not shifting as your image shows you are creating some lovely muscle definition…. which we all know weighs more than our wobbly bite. 🙂

  7. Knew you would start noticing the benefits. Walking it just fabulous isn’t it, being out and about feels so good and those legs are just gorgeous!

  8. I love this post so much! I love the way you laid out in points the things you are happy about as you take this journey. And those legs! The power in your sculpted calves, the energy in your tendons, these are beautiful, proud legs, they are definitely taking you places! 😉

  9. Love this, so much. From the jaunty angle of your beautiful legs to the inspiration of your words. Well done x Sexy and beautiful.

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