It’s prompt time at Sinful Sunday again. This time Molly has set the challenge of using one of Alison Tyler’s titles as the inspiration for our photos. I scanned the extensive list and set my mind working. As soon as I saw this title, I immediately thought of a certain piece of kitchen equipment.

I wish I had thought of the idea at a time when I was seeing my man. The range of camera angles possible would have been more varied. Mind you, when I look at how pointy this is, I might be glad not to have been at the mercy of another.

So, here is my “Juicy Erotica”.

Just as a little bonus, here is a clear picture of the beautiful implement more usually used to juice citrus fruits.

Check out all the other Sinful Sundays by clicking below.
Sinful Sunday

28 Replies to “Juicy Erotica”

  1. Love the black and white with the bright sparkles of your juices…. and I am rather glad we don’t own one of those things 😉


  2. Juicy indeed, and I think it’s good you did this all by yourself, without some help. That piece of equipment looks like it can be used for torture 😉

    Love the black and white image!

    Rebel xox

  3. I own a glass toy that looks similar to this (only, less pointy at the tip) and it feels goooood, especially when you spin it. I love your black and white image and how you captured the juicy wetness glistening on the toy. Hot!

  4. Wow, your brave sweetie, that thing would scare the heck out of me and I don’t think I could let anyone try to use it on me either, what a lovely shot!

  5. Love the pictures and the comments. I’ve got one of these but oddly I haven’t used it in this fashion – yet. But there is always a first time for everything…

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