Last weekend, I had an amazing time at my first Eroticon. I didn’t take many pictures during the day as I was busy drinking in all the experiences.

Here is a snapshot of some of the Eroticon goodies from the weekend.


I will be writing a post about Eroticon in the next few days.

Who else is sharing this Sinful Sunday? Click and see.

Sinful Sunday

14 Replies to “Get it on at Eroticon”

  1. For a moment my brain ignored the end of your sentence and replaced “in all the experiences.” with “all day” which is something completely different!

    I am so glad you came to Eroticon and had such a wonderful time.


    Ps… Please refer back to last weeks ps… Haha!

  2. You all make me want to go to that, simply to meet all the other bloggers. But since it’s not on my side of the pond, I doubt I’ll ever get to.

    One can dream.

  3. I read the sentence in the same way Molly did and thought you’d just been boozing. And please tell me that’s *not* a fizzy cola condom?! Nice boobs! ๐Ÿ˜‰ xxx

  4. I feel like I missed out completely by not being able to go this year. I’d love to meet all you guys, even though it’s scare the fuck out of me!


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