I have, like most people, things that are hard limits for me. The things that I consider absolute hard limits are the ones that will never change. They are non-negotiable and, for at least one of them, someone pushing them in any way would do damage to our relationship.

There are other limits, that are linked to psychological and physiological responses. Things that I avoid because of fears and phobias. Then there are things that squick me out and I am unlikely to choose them.

Today’s post includes both a fear and a squick factor for me. I will be very unpopular with some for admitting that I don’t like feet – especially toes. It isn’t anyone’s fault but toes, especially long toes, really make me feel squicky. As you can imagine, I am certainly not a foot fetishists delight. There are toes in this post.

The fear in today’s post is being enclosed in something. It makes my breath quicken and my senses heighten in a bad way to even think about it. I have written about an experience exploring this here. The idea of having a hood over my head scares me even more than being wrapped. So, as I am an inquisitive masochist, I bought one.

I have spent a long time reflecting on why I bought it. The easy answer is to say that I was exploring fear and seeking that hit of adrenalin that it can cause. That isn’t true though. Yes I was very aware that fear and possibly panic could be my response to this and that I would have to fight that, but that wasn’t why I was drawn to this.

I bought the hood because of how deeply I trust my man. I know that I can take risks and not have to rely on my own hyper vigilance. I know there are things that I can explore with him that would be out of the question under any other circumstance.

I know, through the experience we shared with this, that even whilst being dehumanised, my senses taken away, and being humiliated, I am absolutely safe and loved. There is no power stronger than the love and the trust that lets me explore this feeling.


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Sinful Sunday


18 Replies to “Love Unlimited”

  1. I can really relate. That trust is a wonderful, powerful thing, and in the past has led me to try and really be turned on by several things that I thought I wouldn’t want to try, and overturned at least one “hard limit” for me. Nicely written, and as always the photo is compelling and beautiful.

    1. Thank you! Trust is a complex thing. It needs trust of the other person and a level of trust in self. I am very lucky in my relationship. Xx

  2. That is a very powerful image when matched with your words. I would love to read more about how this scene played out and how you felt during it and how you felt afterwards when you saw this image.

    I don’t like the idea of hoods, like you having my face covered freaks me out but I have found myself drawn to the idea of one of those sack type hoods as I wonder if they are not tight to my face if I would not feel quite so freaked and they might play into my fear kink.

    Thank you making me think


  3. Wow. trust. It’s the foundation for relationships, however I don’t think I could trust anyone like you trust your man. I really wish I could, but the fear inside me just wont let me.
    I do take a lot of foot photos however…I do not have a foot fetish. Don’t like feet. Your photo is very powerful to look at.

  4. I’m not sure I could do either without a lot of encouragement and even then … Good for you for pushing and allowing yourself to be pushed.

  5. This photo is so incredibly erotic, Honey! Even without your words, I’m drawn to the way the hood highlights you’re sweet mouth around his toe. Then with your words, I’m drawn to your bravery and trust. Beautiful.

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