The current Kink of the Week is pubic hair. People who know me very well will know that I am not very disciplined one way or the other with this. Just as my hair grows sparce and sporadic, so are my ways of tending to it. I rarely go for a full bush – the sparce growth and lack of curls really doesn’t make it. Sometimes I will trim. Other times, if I can afford it, I will go for a waxing. I adore the feel of the hot wax and the tug as it is removed. More often though, I will use this little beauty.

It pulls each hair out in a way that, when I get the speed of each pass right, sends tingles of pleasurable pain through me.
I guess it could be true that I am a masochist as I choose how to remove my pubes by how the process feels and the smooth results are just the added bonus.
Who else is sharing? Click and see…
Fortunately, I am not easily distracted. ๐
You are much braver than me. I cannot even use an epilator on my legs, let alone for my pubes!
Rebel xox
Maybe I am more foolish than brave.;)
It’s wonderful that grooming can be so pleasurable. ^^
Interesting tool. Looks like it does produce very smooth results.
Does it hurt a lot? And do you have any problems with breaking out? I always have issues with breaking out after shaving the mound and I can never get to certain places. I’ve never tried an epilator though.
It hurts more if there is more regrowth but I never get a rash after.
when i have used the battery powered shaver and it pulls a hair by mistake I break into sweats!
I am not very disciplined when it comes to shaving.
Looks quite smooth and delectable!
That made my thighs do a little nervous twitch. I think I will stick to the razor ๐
Oh I winced at that, I’m not brave enough to use one of those things on my legs let alone anywhere else!
I use my epilator on my legs and I don’t mind the pain from that. I haven’t been brave enough to try it elsewhere though!