During the week, Asthma UK tweeted about sex with asthma. As someone with chronic asthma that takes a selection of daily meds to control, my inhaler is always near to hand.

Being breathless isn’t always sexy but, luckily medication means that I can enjoy all of my life.

Click and see who else is sharing for Sinful Sunday.

Sinful Sunday

18 Replies to “Breathless”

  1. I can kind of relate, having had bad asthma interrupt pleasurable pursuits when I was younger. Thank goodness that we can medicate ourselves and enjoy being made breathless the fun way, and thank you for demonstrating this in these superb action shots.

    O x

  2. “Being breathless isn’t always sexy” – well-said! It’s awesome to see representations of sexuality that include our daily routines and real pieces of our lives that aren’t shown in mainstream images of sex.

  3. I love how you have tackled this subject here and I find the way you are gripping your inhaler really very sexy. Also the blur in that second image that captures the movement of that moment is brilliant and your tits look amazing in that shot too


  4. These are wonderful! You’ve beautifully and artistically (and very sexily) shared an important message about health. But even without the message, these photos are gorgeous and super hot! Love the sense of action in the second.

  5. Our bodies carry us all day, every day. Sometimes it’s easier than others and I am glad you are giving your body and yourself what it needs in all senses x

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