When a BadMan invites you down to the country for a no-strings-attached cup of tea, it might be a good idea to check whether there is mention of chains!
As you can see, I had lots of fun visiting a friend a few days ago. And there was tea but as you can see, I couldn’t reach it just then.

Thank you to Focused and Filthy for some help with editing.
Here is the black and white edit as well. I couldn’t choose which one to use so you lucky people get both.

The weight of my boobs made those clamps bite harder.
Yeah, that looks like a pretty normal cup of tea to me… ;-p Mmmm – looking good, how deliciously pinchy. I can also feel that tweak in the nipple from here.
Oh my! Lovely!
With all my skill at making colour co-ordinated cuffs I prefer the colour version…..
I think clover clamps bite pretty hard anyway, this is making me squirm at imagining it! I love the chain and cuff system.
I own those clamps too, and they can cause quite a bit of lovely discomfort! It looks like you had an amazing time! I hope you got an actual cup of tea after play, aftercare!
Oooh, chains!
Hot damn, this looks SO damn good! It seems you had the most exciting time. Fabulous! So happy for you!
Rebel xox
Oh those chains make me squirm. I do love chains and this definitely looks like a top quality cup-of-tea date!
Oh lush! The delicious pull on those clover clamps! Props to you – you must have nipples of steel, lol! 😜 Great picture, love the chains, too. Fab!
The pleasure and pain of this – i love it!
Fabulous images! I like the black and white one best I think, what a wonderful experience!
This is my kind of tea! Gorgeous image
That does seem like my cup of tea, delicious!
Oooh I am so glad you included both edits as I enjoyed studying both and equally love both x