If you read this post, you’ll know that I am not in the best headspace today. If you keep track of what I share of my life, you’ll also know that I don’t get to see my partners and lovers and often as I’d like. It’s hard on days like today when I know that being in their arms would calm my mind and help me. Life is what it is though and I have to be independent about meeting my day to day needs.

Today I needed to override my mind and find my centre and calm. I’m no good at meditating but I do know what does work.

These clamps hurt, and they’re heavy so they pull. Sitting with them on while I process the pain takes me away from everything else. The endorphin released fill me with calm as the same time as making in touch with every part of my body. Pulling and twisting them takes me closer and closer to the edge. I know that with enough time, I can can orgasm from this sweet, intense pain. But not today. My need to obey wins as it always does and I won’t come without permission and just as I teetered on the edge, the text came saying stop. Ruining an orgasm is hard and frustrating but my kink for obedience and the grounding of the pain mean that I am happy, centred and calm (and the good sort of horny and needy).

I’d forgotten how much these clamps tighten aa part of the release mechanism. Ow! Any volunteers to kiss me better?

Sinful Sunday

Edit: As WordPress is playing up and sometimes won’t let comments work, please let me know what you think on twitter if the comments option isn’t showing here. I would really appreciate the feedback while I’m feeling fragile due to hormones.

20 Replies to “Soothe me with pain.”

  1. There’s so much about this image, and your words, that I love, that I find intriguing, and that I find parts of myself in. I’m in awe of this post, and think I’ll be contemplating it for a while yet


  2. So where did you get those mean beauties from?

    And yes I totally get the not being with parnters enough and using pain to try and calm and centre you. I find self administered pain is only partially helpful for me, mostly because I am not very good at giving it


    1. It’s definitely less effective than when given by another and the calm from it is much more temporary. But I don’t have another option.

      I’ll look to see where I got them from.

  3. That looks impressively painful!

    And I hope some in travelling distance takes up your offer to have it kissed better.

    And I’ve seen (delivered) pain lead to focus and peace, so I hope it works for you!

    Lovely (if owchie) photo!

  4. Oh gosh, this was hot to look at and to read about, but I’m sad for you regarding your frustrations with your troubled mindset and distant lovers. I hope you are feeling soothed now and I appreciate you sharing such a personal journey x

  5. I identify with pain as a way to help centre you. They look particularly useful in doing that, but also make for a beautiful photo. Sorry you are going through some tough times and hope you get some non self inflicted pain soon xx

  6. It’s good that you have a method to return the calm in your head. I might just have to look into this, as I can use some calm too. I love the image, looking at your nipples clamped so tightly almost made me feel the pain.

    Rebel xox

  7. What a lovely picture. And I can resonate with what you’re writing. I also feel similar to clamps as you. They’re deliciously arousing and yet so painful that they’re good to fulfil certain purposes. I hope you’re feeling better

  8. Stunning shot and I’m glad you have ways to self soothe, I can relate very much to your words and know I’m thinking of you and hoping you’re feeling a bit better now, take care xx

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