I teased about this picture earlier this week. Now that I am sharing it, I was tying myself in knots trying to find what to say so I am handing the words over to the fantastic 19syllables .

“I side-step some things. If I see a beautiful picture of a beautiful model, doing something gymnastic, taken by a professional photographer I don’t pit myself against it. It might expose some inner comparisons and weaknesses which are a bit uncomfortable, so I duck and let it slip by without giving it the chance to either hurt me, or for me to conquer it.

Either way, I excuse myself (or do I just make excuses?).

Honey does not. She looks at these doubts straight down the barrel, she squares up to them, she takes them on. I know she’s not impervious to the doubts (you and?) I heed that say ‘but this is not for people like you and I’ ‘you can’t do this’ No, she’s braver than that. She hears the doubts and yet she still takes it on. And what’s more fiercely beautiful than that? Nothing.”


Inspired by an image on twitter
Sinful Sunday

9 Replies to “En Pointe!”

  1. I cannot find the words to tell you how much I love this. I am still sniggering at how many out takes there must’ve been.

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