Trees. I love trees. I love trees in so many ways. When my mental health is rough, I need to spend time amongst the trees, feeling the different world and space that they create. Being amongst the trees helps me to get going and reconnect with the real me. It can help my anxiety to fade away.
You know how good trees are for me, as my cheekiness and horn quickly return when I am amongst them. It’s not long before I am touching the bark to imagine it against my soft skin. I’ll be looking for fallen trees that would be perfect for being bent over amd used. And, I will always be wishing that I was with someone to strip me naked and tie me to a tree.
I love being amongst the trees, and I love being naked amongst the trees.
Beautiful image! Really lovely.
We both miss walking in woodland and forest.
I know exactly what you mean *starts plotting*
Such a nice structure of pine bark. I just want to see how your nipple touches this.