I am blessed with having creatively minded people in my life. Of course, when a sadist has a creative mind, things can be really fun.
My awesome partner, MonstrousJaffa created a card game to celebrate my birthday. You can read and see all about it here and here. I can honestly say that it was brilliant. Fear, anticipation, giggles, pain, arousal, fucking and so much of the very best sort of suffering.
Even a delicious sadist and his painslut need a break now and then. This image was during one of those breaks. I look at it and it makes me so happy. It shows me relaxed, marked with the diamond from the game, and the beginning of a bruise. It also makes me smile because this picture was taken by Jaffa grabbing the phone because he loved the way the light hit the curve of my arse. He makes me feel impossibly beautiful each and every time.

You are a diamond ♦️
I’m not normally one for card games … BUT … this has got me thinking !!!
Lovely photo !!!
Xxx – K
This whole game sounds amazing. I did something similar with Elita and her man once and ended up rather battered!
Beautiful photo. I can feel the languidity in it.
Isn’t it fun to have a number of sadists in your life, even the ones that aren’t!
So very hot, and so very wonderful!
I’m guessing there were several rounds of Snap involved?
What a brilliant idea. What a brilliant game. What a brilliant birthday treat