Today is an utterly boob focussed day. To be fair, my boobs demand focus a lot of the time. When I shared the picture with my partner, MonstrousJaffa, he suggested that all I needed for words was, “My tits are fantastic. The End.”
He’s right, of course. My tits are fantastic. But today, I am thinking of them in a different way. Today, I have my first screening mammogram. Or, as I have assigned it in my head, boob squish day.
We are really fortunate in the UK that screening programmes such as mammograms are offered free of charge, and I encourage everyone to take them up. I should have had mine in the last two years, but covid delayed it. Just like other health screening programmes, it’s important to make sure that we take up the health screening when offered.
So, today, I am celebrating that my tits are fantastic AND that my tits are squishable.

I love this! Your boobs are incredible, as always! Did it hurt terribly? I remember being so nervous before my first mammogram but then it turned out to be not that bad. Phew!
It didn’t hurt at all. Just a squash.
Squish squash 🙂