I like the way that new experiences, especially ones that scare me, make me feel. As a result, I often search out new things to try. Sometimes, that is new toys. Sometimes, it is new experiences.
This weekend, Beekeeper got that look in his eye and took me for a walk to pick some nettles. He was , of course, sensibly equipped with gloves to protect him. I accidentally walked against some without protection.
Later on, I assumed the position to find out exactly how much I might regret my enthusiasm to try new things.
As it was the first time, it was important to find out whether it is better to use the nettles before or after a beating. To find out, Beekeeper applied nettles to one cheek before beating me thoroughly. Then, he applied the nettles to the other cheek.
I am sat here now with my arse cheeks feeling like they are under attack by a swarm of tiny needles forcing stings into me. I do have some cream to soothe, but, as the masochist that I am, I am resisting that for now.

OK so this is something I have often thought about but always been far to scared to actually suggest it in case some meany decided to give it a go. However reading this might just push me over the edge to maybe mentioning in passing company…. maybe
It looks like you had a lot of fun! Ouch! 😀
I’m still grinning at all your squirming, giggling and ouching. So much fun but I think I’ll just stick to watching, thanks!