I am a submissive and I spend some of my time in a submissive headspace. I don’t always know whether […]

This is a bit of a WOW moment for me. This is my 300th post. It’s within a few days […]

Organised Orgasms
Thirty days of orgasm fun. What could be better? Well. Maybe thirty days of someone at my beck and call […]
Poetic Submission
I wrote this sonnet four years ago as a task. I didn’t know how sonnets worked and I didn’t write […]
My Decades
At the weekend, I read an article about the attitudes and experiences of women with regard to sex in different decades. I […]
Tightly Held Assumption
One of the joys of my life, my experiences and the fact that I look at my life with a […]
Anxiety and stress don’t always make finding my balance easy. My past has made me hyper vigilant and stubbornly independent […]
This isn’t a pretty post and I should warn you, it comes with a warning that it contains themes of […]
Knocked Out?
Happy New New Year and all that jazz. I’m almost surprised to find myself still writing and posting. 2016 was a […]