This week has been a lot. I’ve been beaten, belted, whipped and caned. All of those things on multiple days. […]

Pick a Card
I am blessed with having creatively minded people in my life. Of course, when a sadist has a creative mind, […]

Good Enough?
I’m always bold enough. Brazen enough. Some would say, too brazen but I always show up and I will always […]

You all know that I am a masochist. Or at least you should know that unless this is the very […]

What’s in a number? Part 2
This is the second post in a pair. The first can be found here. By the time Honey arrived […]

What’s in a number?
This is the first in a pair of posts written about the same events. This one is my point of […]

Strong, Sexy, Slut
Words have power, and I hold some words close to me. Especially ones that are said to me by the […]