I’m a good girl. A very good girl. Being obedient turns me on. I can still be cheeky, but more […]

It is not because you hold the chain that I am yours. It is because I freely give you the […]

Don’t let the weight of your worries drag you down. Make sure that you are pulled the right way.

Soothe me with pain.
If you read this post, you’ll know that I am not in the best headspace today. If you keep track […]
A Cup of Tea?
When a BadMan invites you down to the country for a no-strings-attached cup of tea, it might be a good […]
New challenge.
I got new toys delivered today. My man gave me a challenge to wear then for an hour. That hour […]
Checked out
I have a bit of a thing for checked shirts. I don’t know why but they always hint at physicality […]
Layering up
Layering is always recommended when the weather turns cold. I decided to apply this advice to something a little more […]