It’s quick and easy to stay in touch with texts, emails, phone calls etc. The instant communication makes life more immediate but there are somethings that still feel better properly handwritten in a letter that can be felt as it is released from the envelope and held as the words are absorbed into the recipient’s heart.


Click below to see who else is having a Sinful Sunday.

Sinful Sunday

Also check out ExhibitA’s writing competition for this week. If anyone wants to use this picture as an inspiration, I give permission as long as they link it back to this post and give me credit.

Edit: I am thrilled to say that this picture was used as the inspiration for the winning story. You can read it here

40 Replies to “A letter”

  1. Mmmmm and of course letters can arrive with other things too…like worn panties or droplets of blood on the paper (that might just be me that finds that sexy though)


  2. I too enjoy writing, real words on real paper. I have a collection that were sent to me by a previous lover. I remember receiving them in the post and being so excited once the content became clear.


  3. I love to get a hand written letter it is very personal and caring. Of course the addition of naughty things like worn panties and things can make a letter very interesting

  4. I, too, miss handwritten leters. Alas, these arthritic hands make writing more than a few words holding a pen very painful. 🙁 That is a beautiful shot.

  5. There is definitely something so much more personal and touching about receiving a hand written letter, compared to text or email and what a lovely, soft lit image of you! Beautiful curves.

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