It’s monthly prompt time again. This time Molly chose “All About the Women.” I took some time to think about this. The inspiration took a little longer than when the prompt was all about the men. I didn’t want to jump into the feminine pics that I don’t feel represent me. I thought about my body. Currently aspects of my body aren’t great. I have joint pain and along with that I have flexibility problems. I also have a lot of demands on me and significant stress levels. All of this takes a toll on both my physical and emotional feelings. I wanted to represent some honesty about me as a woman. The collection of pictures below is a glimpse of that. It is an example of how the whole is so much more than the sum of the parts. The large picture is seeing me through my man’s eyes and it is a view that he always finds beautiful.

I am a real woman – aches and all. I am beautiful.


Who else is having a Sinful Sunday? Click and see.
Sinful Sunday

31 Replies to “Woman”

  1. I liked the honesty of the post, and felt the same about doing something similar. Though the larger collection of photos express the more negative; I’m sorry your body is giving you issues (I have so many days like this, as well).

  2. I like that your biggest photograph positive. Like you, there are many bits of me that don’t quite work as well as they should but, I think, as the full portrait suggests, we have to look at ourselves as a whole and appreciate all the pluses. Jane xxx

  3. “I am a real woman – aches and all. I am beautiful.” <<I love this line, and this post. Honesty is beautiful, and I think every shot is lovely. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  4. I love this, the way you have shown the little pieces of the jigsaw and how when fitted together they make a complete picture that is beautiful.


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