I have a bit of a thing for checked shirts. I don’t know why but they always hint at physicality to me. I guess that there must be some personal history that makes that connection in my mind. I like them on both men and women. They make me want to unbutton them and explore the chest that they hide.

On Friday, I found myself in the men’s clothing department after some beers and couldn’t resist buying a checked shirt for myself. I am blushing a tiny bit as I boast that I feel really sexy in my checked shirt, even more so as it is a man’s one.

Back at my man’s house, there was definitely some exploration of what was underneath. By the way, he found my shirt sexy too – or at least, when I appeared in the doorway wearing only the shirt and panties, the response of unnngggghhhfff seemed to indicate he did. 😜

Anyway, here are some pictures of what was hidden by the shirt.


Want a clearer view?


A little more?


After that, the tug on the clamps caused me too be far too soaked and distracted for any more pictures. If you want to understand more about what clamps do to me, you really should read this piece of flash fiction from Tamsin Flowers.

Who else is checking the box for Sinful Sunday? Click and see.

Sinful Sunday

23 Replies to “Checked out”

  1. A most excellent, excellent purchase, in my opinion. And as to the “unnngggghhhfff” response? That’s one of my all time favourites!


  2. I love the checked shirt (I have a men’s one too and I always feel sexy when I wear it!) and I love the clamps underneath. What a tactile treat – the soft cloth with the hard metal. Your man is a very lucky man indeed! Xxx

  3. I used to wear these often – checked shirts, I mean, not the clamps – but haven’t in years. I see no reason to attempt wearing them again; I’ll never look as hot as you do in yours.

  4. haha i love this
    so much fun to buy yourself a lil something sexy
    more so if you can use or wear it publicly with none the wiser 😉

    good job on melting his brain 😀

  5. I love a checked shirt and I completely appreciate the feel of wearing nothing but an oversized man’s shirt. This is a lovely and very sexy set of images. X

  6. There’s nothing quite like sliding into an over-sized men’s shirt. I love the way it makes me feel enveloped and delicate.

    Speaking of delicate, I adore the contrast between the plaid, your glowing skin and the intricate charms and gleaming clamps beneath…

  7. Oh, this is gorgeous! I have a fondness for men’s plaid flannels, so I understand your desire for the check. I’m completely in love with the heart flower jewelry around your nipple. That is so gorgeous!

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