Rub-a-dub-dub! It might surprise you to know that I am a bit of a wanker. Well, not really a bit of a wanker. I am a complete wanker. Just before writing this post, I saw a seriously sexy image of a gorgeous man giving another a sensual sucking of his cock. The picture made me instantly need to grind and writhe while I let me mind explore that image more.

I have always been a wanker. My parents happily and naively tell how from two upwards I would always tuck my hand between my legs when I laid down. What they have never joined the dots to realise (much to my relief) was that I always ground down on my hand until an intense feeling washed over me and then I would sleep. I was, however, quite naive myself and as I had always done this, I did not realise it was masturbation until much much later.

My first experiments with what I thought was masturbation were pleasant but not amazing. If only I had known that I was already doing it, I wouldn’t have spent so long trying to get it right. I am really grateful that I experimented in the time before the internet. What works for me is not the typical method and I would have thought I was broken.

I never needed direct clitoral stimulation to get off. In fact, for many years, direct touch on my clitoris was not welcome (unless it was a mouth or tongue). That has changed and now I have gone from tolerating it to finding it enjoyable, but it rarely gets me off. There have been moments of confusion with people who haven’t understood why my hand doesn’t go to my clit when we have been fucking. They have come to understand that I don’t need that. Right then has never been quite the right time to tell them that I not only don’t need it but it is a distraction.

What does work for me goes right back to the beginning. I love to grind. I love hard pressure grinding down one side of my vulva. The orgasm builds with the pressure, my clitoris pulses right down inside me and my whole cunt throbs and clenches.  The best thing is, that by playing with the pressure, I can ride the top of that orgasm before I let it crash over me. When I do come, I come hard. Any toy that I have inserted for extra pleasure gets forced from my body.


I love the way that I orgasm from masturbation. I love it not least because I suspect the fact that it isn’t triggered by direct clitoral stimulation to be one of the reasons that I orgasm so easily during all sorts of penetration. I think the fact that it builds so deep within me and stimulates so much muscle response in my cunt, thighs and abdomen is also one of the reasons why I have been able to orgasm totally hands free. That has definitely been useful in my long distance relationships and makes phone calls, even in public, so much more fun.

So, as I mentioned at the beginning…

My name is Honey and I am a wanker.

Click on Kink of the Week for other delicious posts about masturbation.

Click on Wicked Wednesday for your weekly dose of utter sexiness.

Wicked Wednesday... a place to be wickedly sexy or sexily wicked

7 Replies to “Release the genie”

  1. Isn’t it wonderful how we all differ from each other? I need clitoral stimulation for a good orgasm and only come from penetration if I had a couple of orgasms already. Love this post, as I also sense some bubbly fun in it 🙂

    Rebel xox

  2. Oh I love this. I wrote about my technique too which is very different from yours. But i love that, how it shows the huge range of ways in which we are all different and hopefully helps others to see that there is no ‘doing it the right way’ only doing it how it works for you.


  3. I love the grinding too but it is all down to clitoral stimulation for me, as I mentioned in my tweet, I’m fairly sure I’m dead on the inside! I’m so glad you wrote how you’re able to cum from penetration alone though. As wonderful a place as the interwebz is, it can also be a place that shames you for having a different view.

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