Writing this story was a task that was given to me last year. My eyes widened when I was told the subject. It certainly wasn’t what I had been expecting. Hopefully you will find it a bit of fun to read.

Reading the list, his eyes narrowed. His shoulder muscles locked and his breathing became very deliberately calm so as not to give his feelings away to the others. He tried to slip away before the others all started the normal round of banter and chat.

Shaking his head slightly, he tried to make himself see the bright side. At least if he was going behind him in the order this year, he wouldn’t have to listen to all of the taunts and comments about his technique. He could still remember the burning anger from last time, the seething desire to plant a hoof directly in his face after another comment to flex those muscles, tense them ready and keep them looking pert. When he tried to talk to Dasher about it, he just didn’t understand. Dasher was always so fair and had tried to explain that it was just Blitzen’s way of being encouraging. Comet had finally had to admit that the comments could have been innocent, but it never felt that way. Even a look from Blitzen made him feel exposed and defensive.

Comet moved along and waited for the schedule of practice runs to be announced. He sagged in disappointment, his eyes dropping to the floor when he heard just how many there were to be. No time to try to talk anyone into a swap, the first one was in just half an hour. There was nothing for it but to just buckle up and concentrate on doing his best.

Glancing sideways, Comet realised that Blitzen wasn’t there. A flickering hope that there might be a last minute change ignited in his brain only to be firmly extinguished by the brazen arrival of the huge ego that was Blitzen. He always had to arrive with that stomping deep clang of hooves and the shake of his antlers. Comet was absolutely sure that Blitzen used some sort of product on his antlers to achieve that eye-catching gleam. If Comet was trying to be nice, he would describe Blitzen as radiating confidence and self-belief. As it was, Comet would prefer to use the words, arrogant git.

The next few days were not Comet’s favourites. The thrice daily training runs meant that he was already in harness and unable to avoid a very up close and personal view of his least favourite comrade. Blitzen was such a poser and took every opportunity to flex and posture whilst drawing attention with his witty exclamations. Comet was only able to glare at his rear with an intensity that should have burned through him. As soon as he was released from the harness on the last day, Comet slunk straight off to the barn. He scanned the interior to check it was empty before going straight to the distant corner to sulk.

Slumping in the corner, Comet tried to sort out his mood. He tried breathing very deliberately and forcing himself through relaxation exercises. If those exercises were meant to calm, they were mis-labelled. His sulk wound tighter and tighter into a core of anger with every muscle balled into tight knots and his nostrils flaring. He pressed harder against the wall. His weight seemed to channel through his antlers into the structure. It both grounded him and held him. Closing his eyes, he focussed on the connection and held his breath. As he refound his centre, he took a shuddering sigh of a breath and then slowly slumped to his knees. He stayed there, carefully sorting out his thoughts until he was ready to open his eyes and rejoin the world.

Now that his emotions were more under control, Comet went through the motions of a normal evening before settling down, emotionally exhausted to sleep. The night raced by and in what felt like only moments later, a deep gentle voice roused him from his slumber. The gentle tones of the voice slowly reached inside him and brought him to wakefulness. The voice was rich and soothing. For a moment, Comet didn’t want to open his eyes and break the spell.

The jolt of surprise when Comet did see who the voice belonged to made him flinch. That enticingly seductive voice belonged to the normally brash Blitzen. Blitzen looked at him with genuine concern in his eyes. The sunlight through the barn window gave him a gentle warmth and softened his features. Right at this moment, there was no arrogance in the way that he was stood. There was no posing and no attention seeking. Just a reassuring friendly face.

“ Hey, Bud. I thought I’d come and nudge you awake. I saw you coming in here on your own last night and I was worried about you. When you didn’t get up for first wanderings, I feared you were ill. Are you?”  Blitzen continued to talk with his voice drawing Comet out from his sleep into a place that seemed to be filled with a spell of  warmth and compassion.

Just as lightning rips the sky, the crack of the door opening ripped the spell apart. Blitzen flashed back into his arrogant stance and voice, turned towards the door and made a comment about trying to flush lazybones out of there so they could get on with the day. The warmth that had filled Comet immediately turned into a searing heat that forged an iron disgust and anger in his core. All of his anger with Blitzen before turned into a rage that seethed within him.

The group of happy chatting reindeer actually glanced up at the sky expecting to see darkening clouds as Comet approached. Concern etched their faces as they tiptoed around being extra solicitous and polite whilst getting their harnesses on. Words were mouthed and looks exchanged as the others tried to piece together what could cause such a barely restrained fury in the normally reliable Comet.

As the shadows shortened and the sun finally lifted high enough to be out of their eyes, the training run finished. The normal banter was muted and all of the reindeer suddenly had different pressing errands to do. The feeding area that was normally as full with the camaraderie of a team nourishing both body and self esteem was deserted. the air so undisturbed that the steam from the food lazily made its journey to the rafters. Comet stomped in and took his place. He ate slowly with an expression that showed resentment. As the food began to nourish him, he began to unwind. His eyes closed as he gave a deep sigh. Allowing the warmth from the food start to spread through his body, the strongly muscled reindeer began to release the tension in his core. Comet twisted his head from side to side as he loosened and softened the steel-like stress from his shoulders.

Comet decided that he needed some space and as his mood had intimidated the others so much, no-one would complain if he took a few hours for himself away from the herd. Taking a deep breath, Comet pulled himself up to his full height and marched out of the barn setting off for the tree line.

An hour later, Comet’s thighs were starting to burn from the relentless pace that he had kept up. The shadows of the trees were pushed away by the clear winter sun as the vista opened before him. The light danced across the tiny ripples on the lake. The pattern occasionally broken by some water dwelling life tickling the surface. Comet sank to his knees and allowed his eyes to drink in the beauty.

The serenity of the place combined with the tiredness of his body finally fully relaxed the solitary reindeer. His thoughts drifted across his mind, wandering at will and avoiding any organised trains of thought. Comet lost all sense of time. He leant his head to one side to rest his antlers. The notion that he should go back fluttered across his consciousness a couple of times but dissipated before it demanded focus.

Eventually an awareness nudged its way up from Comet’s subconscious and then into his mind. Comet could feel eyes watching him. He shrugged slightly and then turned his head. In the shadows of the trees, he could make out the powerful frame of another reindeer. The face was still obscured. Emboldened by the almost unnatural peace of his surroundings, Comet studied the body, admiring the glorious lines of leg, muscle and haunch. An involuntary murmur of appreciation escaped his throat.

Intrigued by the silent form watching him, Comet finally forgot all stress in his mind. He deliberately flexed his muscles as he rose to his full height. Although the ripples distorted it, Comet could tell from his reflection that he was looking impressive. In fact, the training had already honed his physique. Flexing his muscles, Comet lightly tossed his head showing off his antlers.

A new resolve imbued Comet with a purpose that had been missing for the last few weeks. He ruthlessly crushed the insecurity that had taken his spirit and drew down all of his confidence. It didn’t matter who was watching him. He didn’t need to explain himself or answer the urge to move along.

Strutting across to the nearest tree, Comet rubbed against the bark. The rumbling noise emanating from deep in his chest showed just how good it felt. Turning so that the other side of his body could feel the same delight, Comet saw that the mystery reindeer had moved, still staying in the cover of the trees but moving nearer. He watched his observer gradually moving closer. Comet became increasingly intrigued by who it was and why they were watching.

The curiosity grew stronger and stronger until he needed to know. Instead of continuing on his way and moving further away, he chose his route to bring him closer to other reindeer without it appearing that he was his target. He would lose sight occasionally, but would continue until the form reappeared from the shadow.

As he subtly closed the distance, Comet realised that he could no longer see where the other reindeer was. Slightly slowing his pace, he peered into the dappled gloom to try to find him. Just as he was turning his head to the side, he became aware of the sound of hooves close and just behind him.  Turning further, he saw that the other reindeer had circled behind him, had drawn close and was looking directly at him. The recognition of who it was buffeted his composure as Blitzen nodded in greeting.

Comet grabbed the knot of anxiety before it got a hold of him. He crushed it and maintained his calm. He looked straight at Blitzen and slowly stated that he hadn’t expected to see him there. Blitzen looked slightly uneasy for a moment and then words seemed to tumble from his mouth in an uncharacteristic rush. He had seen Comet set off and had worried and then was just nosey and then had stayed to watch because he was fascinated by how Comet had such inner strength and resolve. As he finished the rush of explanation, Blitzen actually looked at the floor and looked so far removed from the normally ebulliently confident creature.

Comet moved closer and as he framed his words in his mind, his breath ruffled the fur below Blitzen’s ear. A small shiver of response rippled down his neck muscles as Blitzen leaned closer. Comet was confused. So much of his angst was centred on the superiority of this creature yet right at this moment, Blitzen seemed needy, vulnerable and sensual.

Comet gently spoke, reassuring Blitzen that there was no intrusion and that he would have been heading back soon. Blitzen returned Comet’s look with a gaze that can only be described as one of gentle admiration. As he shifted position, they came into contact. Comet’s hot breath heating Blitzen’s flesh as his face rubbed against his cheek. Both reindeers tensed their legs muscles ready to spring away if the other recoiled but neither did. They slowly moved together, permission through pauses, snickers and murmurs as they explored by touch.

In an un-choreographed dance, the tempo and intensity grew. Their roles gaining a definition and an intent. Comet the lead with Blitzen the willing respondent. The whole vocal range of encouraging noises were added to the landscape as steamy breath and sweat began to fill the air. The grunts built to a bellow as Comet mounted and thrust into Blitzen whose muscles spasmed with delight.

As the shuddering subsided, they both sank against each other on the ground. Neither spoke, both wary of breaking the spell. Eventually, a huge sigh escaped Blitzen and he looked pleadingly into Comet’s eyes. Comet took a deep breath and then spoke.

“It seems time away from the herd has unexpected benefits.”

He gave such a cheeky wink that Blitzen couldn’t help but chuckle and agree. After the to-be-expected agreements to keep it a secret, the two reindeer got to their feet and set off on their return journey. As they drew close to the barn, Blitzen was prancing and posturing whilst throwing jibes and taunts at Comet. This time, Comet teased back and smiled a secret grin inside.

Wicked Wednesday

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