” We should be able to time travel,” he said. “Back to an age when society was kinder to the Rubenesque woman.”

“Hmph.” I wasn’t able to say much.

“I’d love that. I love softness. Love curves. The more, the better.”

“D’you really?”

“Why wouldn’t I? Think of all the words associated with a bit of extra flesh. Generous. Ample. Voluptuous. Bountiful.”

Curvy Girls, Justin Elyot

I love this image and yet I have struggled with it at the same time. I was excited to share it and also really reluctant. It’s a beautiful image but is far away from how I am ‘meant’ to look and how my brain is still conditioned to want me to look.

I feel sensual, sexy and desirable. If I doubt that, I only have to look at the responses of partners who I have shared this image with. And they are the people who will enjoy just how amazing and wonderful I and my body are when physical contact is allowed again.

There is one more quote from the same passage in the book which sums it up:

“You’re very kind to say all this but –“

“Kind?” he burst out. “No, I’m not kind! I don’t feel sorry for you. I want you.”

I know that I am wanted and I feel it.

Sinful Sunday

16 Replies to “Rubenesque”

  1. Round…curved…soft…luscious…thick…juicy…
    I struggle with my own body because it is all of these things. And yet, my partner, too, loves it. And when I see it in other women, I am drawn to it. Like this. This is a beautiful image.

  2. I love this image, because wow, you’re hot but also it reminds me of my own body and seeing yours like this, makes me think ‘oh hey, my body must be hot like this too!’ so thanks for the boost.

    And Justin Elyot is a fiiinnnnnnnne Author. One of my faves.

  3. I LOVE this image, it made my jaw drop it (you) is so beautiful.

    I understand your fears, we’re taught that our bodies are ‘supposed’ to be perfect and flawless are yet none of us actually fit that mould.

    But most importantly I’m glad you’re listening to what your partners are telling you because you are sexy and you are desirable. I bet those partners are counting the days until they can get their hands back on you again.

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