I don’t feel feminine. I think that is because of the way that the concept of feminine has been so corrupted by the patriarchy. The concept of femininity does not conjure ideas of strength, capability, leadership, reliability, and more. I can not sign up to a label or concept that doesn’t include those because those are who I am.

Sometimes, I need to be able to feel that I present those attributes in a physical and visual way. Mostly, I don’t need to. The people who know me know who I am. They know the hobbies and past times that I have that don’t tick the feminine box. They know me.

But sometimes, I want to see an image of me that puts what some would think of as a more masc presentation right in front of the viewer.

No props. Just me.
Sinful Sunday

4 Replies to “A different view”

  1. Your words really hit me. A lifetime of performing a kind of femininity that wasn’t me because society tries to force us into a box that doesn’t really exist.
    You are perfectly you xx

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