For most people, the idea of being underfoot is a bad thing. But for me, in the right circumstance, it is my idea of heaven.

Being on all fours, in my place calms me. As he places his feet and my spine settles into a new curve supporting them, I find my centre. Every slight movement giving me calming and responsive feedback. My mind calms, and I find a special peace while I know that I am being used as a footstool.

Thank you to Beekeeper for allowing me to be his footstool. And, thank you to Bee for taking the photo (and for having the patience to get one without any furry photo bombers).

Sinful Sunday

5 Replies to “Under Your Feet”

  1. lovely way to be usefull.
    i often get fidgety after about 10 minutes which get me a kick in the butt most times
    love the pic

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