What do we have the potential of being. With yesterday being International Women’s Day and tomorrow being Mother’s Day in the UK, I feel that media and shared spaces are filled with messages and more than that, filled with demands as to what a woman should be and what a mother should feel. For me, the loud and demanding nature of some and the denial of self in some others is incredibly hard.

My life has been full of the clear declarations, the intrinsic conditioning, the gatekeeping of being allowed to belong in both of these groups. I’m not femme enough for some. I don’t have the correct parental anxieties for others, I don’t fit and because I don’t fit, I’m not included. I’m allowed to exist but only if I stick to the periphery and leave the heart spaces to those who do belong.

Right now, I don’t really care. I am fucking imperfect in every way that is just the reality of life. I am imperfect and powerful. I am imperfect and primal. I am imperfect and that makes me more than perfect will ever be. My power comes from the fact that I am me. Not the neat attempt at perfection that fits the mold of those who want to control. I don’t fit anyone’s perfection because I have too much to contain.

Imperfect,  powerful and primal.
Sinful Sunday

5 Replies to “Imperfect”

  1. I struggle with the whole idea of perfection when it comes to bodies. There are so many different ideals and many of them directly contradict each other, so you can’t please everyone even if you wanted to. I love that you’re recognising and celebrating your power, that’s what makes you so wonderful. x

  2. I can totally relate to much of what you have written and that last paragraph is spot on. Recently the menopause has been having an impact on me and I have really be struggling with my body etc. I have had to really work hard to remind myself I am more than just that and this sentence

    “My power comes from the fact that I am me.”

    Thank you, helpful. I need to remember that for myself too


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