I’m quite well known as having no fear when it comes to stripping off and being naked. As long as it is consensual and won’t offend anyone that is present. I love my sensual body and the joy I experience.

Unfortunately, I am aware of criticism and if my own self-criticism of my fatness. There is a whole different vocabulary used by people when complimenting fat people compared to complimenting slimmer people. It makes me very aware of the differences. I’ve been tempted to do a project collecting responses and analysing it but I’ve avoided it for self-protective reasons. It can be a real rabbit hole to go down. It’s a similar rabbit hole to the one where people talk about body positivity but only share, draw or respond to slim, conventional images.

Anyway, I have been challenging myself to live life positively. It has made a huge difference to me. My man drew my attention to a twitter thread from @yvapraia. Go check it out but don’t forget to come back or check the rest of this post first.

The thread inspired me to harness my positive, confident and happily relaxed utter sexiness and capture this image to share. There are no clever angles involved to minimise what you see. Just a delightful image of damn sexy me.

Sending sexy, body positive gorgeous thoughts to you all.

Who else is sharing for Sinful Sunday. Click on the lips and see.

Sinful Sunday

32 Replies to “Naked Confidence”

  1. Honey, this is absolutely gorgeous! Relaxed and sexy and confident as hell. It brings to mind so many classical paintings of beautiful women reclining. Your comment about the different language we use to compliment fat vs. thin people is really important and sticking with me. I’m positive it’s something I do, and your post has me examining why. I suspect partly it’s because of my discomfort describing parts of my own body that I struggle with, even as I see the beauty of similar parts on others. But also, culturally created bias that, while I continue to work to grow out of, still has a toe-hold in my brain (as evidenced by the many days I am critical of my body). In any case, there is a lot to unpack there and your post has made me think about this in earnest. About how I can be better, more accurate, more honest, more loving – to myself and others. So thank you, as ever, for being beautiful you.

  2. You certainly let went for a pose that was confident, relaxed, sexy. Makes Me want to pounce on the couch beside you and snuggle in for a hug (for some reason I feel like we’re old friends and would welcomed – maybe it the pose or maybe it’s you)

  3. Oh Honey, this image of you takes my breath away! It’s beautiful and sexy. YOU are beautiful and sexy and inspiring! Your words really made me think about my own responses and images I share…

    Rebel xox

  4. My response is the same to any image of this nature…WOW!! Body positivity is tough to maintain (at least it is for me), hopefully society will catch up and help us to feel good about ourselves for longer, no matter our shape.

    O x

  5. Your post has made me think about the comments that I make and I will try to more aware and see if there is a difference. This is an incredible image – you look gorgeous and sexy and I am glad that you posted it.

  6. Your words have me thinking and reflecting on how I see people. I am genuine in my reply in saying that I look at the person and not the body – I don’t see weight, skin colour etc …. I see outside that, well I try to.

    Here I see a very relaxed pose of someone happy and comfortable in their skin. It’s beautiful, refreshing to see and regards of body size – my reply would be the exact same regardless x

  7. I’ve thought about how responses change at the weight of a person and how that is almost ingrained in how we think. I hate it and how it makes me think about myself at times I think you look gorgeous and sexy. Very relaxed too

  8. I love this! I want to draw you (please – permission being sought here). Voluptuous ((of a woman) curvaceous and sexually attractive) is the word that comes to mind for me!

  9. Amazing image and wonderfully inspiring words. As a fat person I was nodding my head so hard it nearly fell off. It’s hard to work against years (in my case decades) of those anti-fat comments (even those posing to be positive in some cases) to be body positive. Well done you for sharing this and for inspiring me to be even more me and less censuring of my own body ❤

  10. I’ve come back to your image a few times. It’s so strong. You look sexy and confident.
    I’ve never seen a picture that makes you look more comfortable in your skin.

  11. What a fabulous and insightful post. I love your photo, and admire your body confidence. I’ve lost a lot of weight – before that I had none. I hated mirrors and removed them from the walls. People used to say you’re so “pretty” or “you’re beautiful inside”.

    Even with the weight loss I still struggle with body confidence. I’m taking part in sinful Sunday to challenge my negative self perception.

  12. I’m so glad you brought this topic up witn your gorgeous photo for sinful sunday. As someone who’s a little bigger I notice the way comments are differently worded in relation to looks. It would be great for more people to really be body positive, which I’m learning to be slowly.

  13. You have really made me think about the language I use now and it is something I am going to be more mindful of to make sure I don’t do this.

    As for this picture. I think you look fucking amazing. You look confident and relaxed and incredibly sexy. I think this is my new favourite picture of you


  14. And damn sexy you are! I love it. I love body positivity and it is indeed for all bodies. I can relate in terms of my postpartum body. You my dear are lovely…not that you need my approval.

  15. I have said many times, including once today, how what drew me to Sinful Sunday is the honesty of the images shared. Mine are often hella filtered (and I wouldn’t try to pretend otherwise), but I love, love, love images like this. They are powerful and inspiring, as are you accompanying words x

  16. This is an outstanding image, I love how relaxed you look.

    And you’re right about language, I know I’m unintentionally guilty of it and I need to try and change that when I notice it.

  17. love the view and love a naked body and its even better when the naked body is curvy and confident in its own skin
    thanks for all the lovely images of your sexy body

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