I have given myself a task for 2019. I’m writing about it to make myself accountable. Feel free to hold me to this task and to check in on my progress.

My task is:

One positive sentence a day.

That should be manageable.

Like always, I’ve poked this idea from every direction to find the flaws. It’s going to be hard.

There are days when anxiety makes surviving the next hour feel impossible. There are days when PMT attacks so hard that it is all I can do not to rip myself to shreds. Even though I control the physical storm, I cannot say that I fully survive the mental storm. I do rip myself to shreds from inside. Most of you would never speak to me if you knew how horrid I can be.

But that’s the point. The days like those are when I need this task. The days of calm, the days of happiness, the days of being a minx do not need this task. Those are the days when my soul and mind can dance. Those are the days when I need to skip along and build these comments. A good thing here, a good experience there, a positive attribute recognised when things are good will help build a beacon for the storm.

I’m going to try. I’m going to try to hang on to that beacon with emotional strength with one positive comment a day every single day of 2019.

It’s time to see if I can be consistently kind and true to me.

And, here’s just a naughty picture of one way of reminding myself that I have a task to do because it wouldn’t be the real me if there wasn’t a bit of naughtiness.

2 Replies to “A New Year Task”

  1. I think this is a great task, Honey, as when times are dark we often forget that there are always positives around. Will you be publishing your sentences somewhere?

    Rebel xox

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