“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
— Elliott Erwitt
I have been trying to express why I have so many pictures and why I take them. This quote captures so much for me. My photographs and those taken by others are all about capturing and expressing aspects of who I am. That’s why there is such variety of mood, attitude and intent. Just like me, my pictures range through hot, sensual, harsh, beautiful and filthy.
Learning photography skills is still on my to-do list as my collection here has always been focused on a thought, mood or moment rather than a technique.
These pictures are a long lasting and still evolving relationship with myself.
My photo posts
- WallflowerSometimes, I am a wallflower. Sometimes, I feel as though I have faded. Sometimes, I need the eyes of others to remind me that I can be seen at all.
- SlinkyJust imagine the feeling as I crawl up your body. Or maybe you are watching as I crawl up their body. Will I make you happy?
- Shadow LineThe shadow line traces the contours of the day. Its beauty and power, a gift from the sun. Sunlit beauty
- Good morning?Some mornings are gentle and beautiful and come with a smile.
- Here’s to…Here’s to adrenaline.Here’s to dramatic abandon of protocol.Here’s to treasured pain and purple rain.Here’s to chasing our souls, burning across to sky. Here’s to drinking the ash as it falls,and not ...
- CuntI love my cunt. I know that some would prefer that I say vulva, but that word is one for official descriptors and being polite. It’s a word that is ...
- Fishnet ReflectionI love it when a hotel room has a mirror, although I often forget to look once I am absorbed in a lover. On this occasion, the mirror showed us ...
- Legging it!Who even knew it was possible for my legs to be too long! More leg than the camera could handle.
- Let’s get started!It’s February, and that means that it is February Photo Fest. You are going to get the utter delight of a daily picture from me. So, let’s get this party started!
- Found and UsedSometimes labels are good. Especially this one that he has hung on my collar. I was filled with the glow of the gift. And then even more so when he ...
- Pick a CardI am blessed with having creatively minded people in my life. Of course, when a sadist has a creative mind, things can be really fun. My awesome partner, MonstrousJaffa created a ...
- Pinch me!I’m so utterly lucky. I have the best people in my life. I’ve just reached for my phone to capture this picture because I have just been lying on the ...
- Please…It’s that time of year when I am full of ideas of how I would like to celebrate my birthday. I am so utterly lucky because my partner MonstrousJaffa has ...
- ObjectifyThe prompt for this weekend is the letter O. I’ve struggled with this one until I dug into my fantasies. Strip me of who I am and reduce me to the ...
- ConnectionThere are some times that words completely cease, and a connection becomes purely about the senses. The sensations that I cause and the responses those sensations trigger. I love being ...
- Hands OnThere is power in magic in hands. That power is even more when the number of hands are increased. Hold me. Take me. Make me yours right now. Hold me. Use me. ...
- CuffedMy hands are cuffed behind my back, and I look perfectly meek, waiting for instructions or waiting for use. Or maybe my eyes aren’t downcast. Maybe they sparkle with delight ...
- Sit!
- UniqueMy soul is very much a unique soul, and over the years of my life, I have become more in tune and more able to weave strength and love for ...
- I’m not into…Content note for knife play and blood. I’m not into knife play. I know that. I don’t even have to think about it. It’s something that I haven’t had to analyse. ...
- Light Up My LifeI’m properly grinning and utterly full of happiness this weekend. I spent last weekend and the end of this week spending time with partners, and visiting friends. I took this ...
- Kiss of the BladeThis month’s Sinful Sunday prompt is Noir. Do you trust the woman who kisses the cold steel? Will you let your guard down? Will you listen to her as she ...
- Welcome to the Bat CaveIt’s that spooky time of year with spiders, bats and pumpkins. Are you brave enough to accept your welcome.
- Negative ExpectationsI know that I’m not the only one but I have been struggling with negative self image recently. It’s no surprise. It’s an ongoing thread in my life and there ...
- The First Taste Is With The Eyes.We all know that it is what we see that makes us salivate first. So when I met a friend in the pub, I was thrilled when he took ...