“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
— Elliott Erwitt

I have been trying to express why I have so many pictures and why I take them. This quote captures so much for me. My photographs and those taken by others are all about capturing and expressing aspects of who I am. That’s why there is such variety of mood, attitude and intent. Just like me, my pictures range through hot, sensual, harsh, beautiful and filthy.

Learning photography skills is still on my to-do list as my collection here has always been focused on a thought, mood or moment rather than a technique.

These pictures are a long lasting and still evolving relationship with myself.

My photo posts

  • Tethered
    Sometimes, friends like to keep me still. Well, when I say “still,” I do mean more still than I normally. So here I am. Tethered.
  • No buts…
    just my fabulous butt!
  • Dishevelled
    Outside, tucked in the corner of the garden, leaning against a tree, you might find a dishevelled Honey. I’ll leave it to your imagination as to how she became dishevelled and, ...
  • Better than roses
    If you want to make a masochist happy, give her beautiful bruises to bloom. Mind you, truth be told, it is the experience that led to them that fills me with ...
  • Better than roses
    If you want to make a masochist happy, give her beautiful bruises to bloom. Mind you, truth be told, it is the experience that led to them that fills me with ...
  • depraved and deprived
  • An Irresistible Feast
    Life has many amazing experiences and some of the most significant ones are tied to celebrating stages of life and being with those who are important to us. A lot of ...
  • Which Way
    A calm and gentle beginning with that first wrapping of rope. Is it time to relax and be held? Or, do you have other plans for me?
  • Anticipation
    The delicious aroma already filling my mind, making me need to taste. The touch as my lips brush gently against the curved edge. The tip of my tongue exploring and ...
  • Still?
    What do you think? Will this keep me still?
  • Feeling Ropey?
    Sometimes, it’s best to give in to your feelings. I love the sensations of wrapping myself in rope.
  • Minx
    We all know that labels can be both useful and constraining. Sometimes a label feels like a perfect fit amd sometimes it chafes and isn’t the right one. I feel ...
  • M is for…
    Masochist. It isn’t a secret that I am a masochist and there are a number of people who know just how much I love exploring and experiencing pain and intense sensations. I ...
  • Just The Tip
    I’m unashamedly greedy, but sometimes, just the tip is beautiful, intense, and just what I need.
  • Wholesome
    It’s good to devour some fruit every day. May I interest you in a wholesome, healthy nibble with me?
  • Time to look up.
    After keeping our heads down in the darkest months, it is time to look up. The view is amazing!
  • Clean sheet
    There is a beauty and delight in the crisp purity of hotel sheets just before the real filth begins.
  • Ready?
    It is the first day of February, and the daylight is increasing, making it feel as though life and energy is returning. It is also the start of the joyous maelstrom ...
  • Rainbow Love
    Paint me with your rainbow love. Decorate my skin with your rainbow kisses. Mark my body with your rainbow touches. Fill my body with your rainbow lust. I’m queer and kinky ...
  • Tea and Tits.
    I love it when a conversation leads to inspiration. A chat about Honey coffee led to sharing Tea and Tits on twitter. Here is today’s offering. Fancy some?
  • Cheers!
    Celebrating the start of another year of Honey in another epic way with amazing people. This was a quieter part of the day…
  • Lean in
    Lean in to kiss me in all the places where the ache is the most special. Sanober Khan  
  • Touch
    Out of the five senses, touch is the one that means the most to me. I crave it and seek it. I touch things, and I touch people – consensually, ...
  • Candy
    Merry Christmas to you all. I’m still wishing for someone to come and make use of this candy cane. I hope you get your Christmas wishes. This candy cane isn’t sweet ...
  • Wet and Wild
    As we all need to be careful about where we go and what we get up to, it’s important to maximise the pleasure that we can have. I’m getting wet and ...