“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
— Elliott Erwitt

I have been trying to express why I have so many pictures and why I take them. This quote captures so much for me. My photographs and those taken by others are all about capturing and expressing aspects of who I am. That’s why there is such variety of mood, attitude and intent. Just like me, my pictures range through hot, sensual, harsh, beautiful and filthy.

Learning photography skills is still on my to-do list as my collection here has always been focused on a thought, mood or moment rather than a technique.

These pictures are a long lasting and still evolving relationship with myself.

My photo posts

  • Into The Woods
    You know that it is good for you to go into the woods. You will start to relax as you walk through. Sometimes it might not feel as though you ...
  • From Bean to Cup.
    Come on over and start your day with exploring from bean to cup. I guarantee your pleasure. I’ll even make you a cuppa as well… This week is the prompt week for ...
  • Going All The Way With A Cane.
    The Kink Of The Week is caning and I have an ever evolving relationship with the cane. I few years ago and I would have been tempted to desperately distract ...
  • On top of the world.
    The squirm to get the position right and then suddenly everything is right. The feel of my cunt stretching around you, gripping you as I sink down. I’m always leant ...
  • Don’t blow out the candles.
    A long time ago in the midsts of time, a Honey plotted and planned a 50th birthday party. The universe tilted and put us into lock down so that party ...
  • Core!
    I’ve always worked on the strength of my emotional core but this year, I have, as part of my exercise regime been working on my core. I have some real ...
  • Rope
    Every possibility coiled, twisted and wrapped. Shall I follow the lines of your form, exploring, enjoying, enhancing? Shall I lull you into peaceful dreams before fastening you so that you ...
  • Good Enough?
    I’m always bold enough. Brazen enough. Some would say, too brazen but I always show up and I will always give things a go. My biggest fear is letting people ...
  • Bull
    Behaving is a challenge sometimes. Especially when there is a very clear concept of something that shouldn’t be done because it’s naughty. Sometimes the world is saved from my naughtiness ...
  • Connected
    You all know that I am a masochist. Or at least you should know that unless this is the very first time you have come across me. There have been a ...
  • Dendrophilia
    Trees. I love trees. I love trees in so many ways. When my mental health is rough, I need to spend time amongst the trees, feeling the different world and ...
  • Champagne
    Good girls sometimes get champagne. I recently learnt that one of my kinks is sometimes referred to as “Nature’s Champagne”. I know its not for everyone but I love ...
  • Talk
    Come join me in a picnic and while we enjoy the sun. Share your ideas and your desires while I listen to you.
  • His Cum, Slut.
    Monstrous Jaffa and I have had some very good times recently fully indulging our appetites and desires. Just over a week ago we had an absolutely filthy and horny day ...
  • Hard Shoulder.
    Shoulders are mentioned a lot in our language. We offer people a shoulder to cry on. We give people a cold shoulder sometimes. And, of course, we have the hard ...
  • Tempted?
    Are you tempted? This is your invitation to come in.
  • Neck
    I love it when you kiss my neck. I adore when you trace your fingers along shoulder and up my neck. I adore when you wrap your hand around my ...
  • Punishment
    What would happen if… The court of sessions has found you guilty and ordered you to present yourself for ten cold strikes to pay your debt. No ceremony. No teasing. No reassurance. Just strapped into ...
  • Lap
    Let me lap at your cock. Let me worship you with my tongue. Let me lick your whole length and then plunge my head down. You know how much I ...
  • Lull
    I have a reputation for not being the stillest or calmest person. In fact, there are two people who refer to me as the Whirlwind. So, is this post proof ...
  • I’m so fine on the Elizabeth Line
    This is very much a spur of the moment Scavenger Hunt post. I suddenly realised that I could immortalise my first journey on the Elizabeth Line with a picture. ...
  • Mermaid
    It’s the first Sunday of the month and, of course, that means that it is prompt week. The prompt is ‘green’. I naturally veered towards making an image reflecting my ...
  • Delayed…
    What is a pervert to do when they are delayed at the airport? The answer is obviously to get away with scavenger hunting. I’ve added a little something so that ...
  • Skeleton of Life
    Life is beautiful in all its forms. Whether it is the verdant lush growth of spring. The warm, inviting flush of flesh. Or the last remaining frame of a leaf ...
  • Fractured Glimpses
    Each glimpse that I see of myself being fucked, fucking or anything else that is searingly hot takes my breath away. I can’t believe that the person who is scorching ...